King’s Pride Refit Blog
Spring 2022

Spring is going to be busy; you’ve probably heard the buzz – King’s Pride will be auctioned off this May. We have a lot of work to do!! The boat will not be complete, however, it is going to make someone a great cruising vessel.
As we start doing some of the details and re-installing some of the equipment it brings back plenty of memories. This project has been going on for two seasons and has been perfect as a teaching platform during covid when our students couldn’t complete required co-op exoperience in the local yards due to restricitons. You are probably wondering why we are selling before completion? We need the space, we need a break, and our students are all employed and we’re running short on crew!
The other fun thing in December was an interview with Jennifer King, the daughter of Roger who built the interior of this vessel when she was a young girl. We digitized a bunch of photos and shared the story of building the boat, stories about her father, and many good memories. Check it out here.
Over the next few months we’ll continue with many videos documenting the progress we are making. There will also be complete video tours of the vessel before we officially list the vessel for sale.

How will the selling process work? During May, if interested, you can come to Anacortes and tour the boat, meet staff, & students. We have certain “open boat” days that will be published here on this site. The boat is school [state] property so we must sell in an auction, setting. We’ll be accepting offers during May as well – offers will be emailed to Mike Beemer the department chair. Simple you make an offer and it’s a ‘proxy’ style bid. On this site we’ll also have a chart with current bids.
Exact details will be provided later this Spring.
We will be re-installing the anchor & chain soon!