Going on any passage can be the most satisfying and wonderful experience you may have on your boat, but every now and then bad things happen. Every cruiser faces some level of the “what if” that’s in the back of your head as you embark on a voyage. This course is designed to help you understand what things typically can happen and how to deal with them in a safe, and often critical timeline. We teamed up with many experts who combine decades of knowledge and experience into this course. Topics will include:
We’ll end this session with a checklist of proven solutions and instructions you will want on your boat that will help you be prepared if an emergency should arise during your cruise.
Arthur Hebert is a 28 year veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard. He served on a wide variety of the Coast Guard ships and participated in many Search and Rescue missions. He holds a 100 ton Master Inland License and is an ABYC Master Tech. He is a part time instructor at Skagit Valley College Marine Trades program and during the summer you can find him on his 30 ft Fisher motorsailer or working as a checkout skipper for NW Explorations.
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