There are many new choices for generating and managing power on your boat – solar cells, fuel cells, high-output alternators and of course – a genset….. Then the question, how do I manage?
Modern cruising vessels have become very power hungry, and many operators don’t have a “Balanced electrical system’ that performs and lasts. This course is designed to help you understand how to design, check, maintain, and upgrade your system to match the requirements on your boat. The course covers three major topics, starting with the storage batteries: How to understand, monitor, size, and rely on your storage system. The second part is all about saving and managing energy onboard your vessel. We then will wrap up the discussion by providing other ways get energy: Alternator/battery chargers, solar options and controllers, fuel cells, and wind energy. After taking this course, you should be able to become ‘master’ of the energy equation onboard your cruising vessel.